Thursday, March 13, 2008

I am not a great fan of Indian Classical Music. But I am an ardent Sonu Nigam fan! Right from his cover-version song days, to the new avatar that he dons today, Sonu continues to rule my heart for sure.
He is excellent singer who can sing anything and everything under the sun. Sarva Gun Sampan is what I think he is and the most fascinating part about him? He doesn't have any formal training in classical music. Now that's an eye opener. Right! Not the one to limit his challenges, he is the one who believes in challenging his limits. No wonder then, that in this day and age when people are humming to western beats; Sonu Nigam dares to take the path less traveled by gen-next.

His latest album is called Classically Mild - his ode to Indian Classical Music. But he has brought innovation even in this - to make it appealing to classical music lovers and Gen Y, he presents a perfect blend of hardcore classical and elements of western classical like Jazz, Blues etc all.

I was impressed the way he has sung these songs. Just listen to him by
clicking here and u will know what I am talking about. Cheers to Sonu! Love your voice and you!

1 comment:

Kareena said...

yeah man, sonu does certainly rock.. his passion for music is amazing and i feel that he is the master who can sing whatever he wants and can do it with great style... cheers to sonu.. love u!